domingo, 29 de janeiro de 2012

Question for Matt Walker

Stephen on the lef and Matt on the right
Well, I know that few Rushers know him, then for someone who does not know he's a friend of Stephen Glickman, he's make shows of Stand-Up Comedy, is an actor, critic, Chief of Giant Creature, with the Step, and who has watching the videos on youtube of Stephen knows who he is because he "does comedy" with the Step, and he's a friend of the BTRboys. And well, I got in touch with him and he gave an interview in which questions will be yours. Send any questions you wanna, any question, how many want, until the day 4the best 10 will be used in the interview that will post on the blog with the name of the questioner. And just send to my Email ... Email this should include your name, your twitter (if any), your question, and as the subject put "Question for Matt."

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